Category Archives: Web design


mobile commerce

Take advantage of mobile commerce

The ecommerce and mobile commerce trend is continually growing in Australia. More than 75% of people choose mobile devices for the convenience factor.

Around 17% of Australians shop via their mobile devices. Most people keep their mobile devices close to them throughout the day. The natural progression is to buy goods and services via mobile, because it’s accessible, fast and convenient.

To take advantage of this trend, my advice is to start simple. Get a responsive website first. With the increase of mobile and tablet use in Australia and around the world, it is very important to optimise your website for mobile devices.

Speed is the key, customers have no tolerance for sites that take forever to load on their mobiles.

Secondly, make it easy for customer to make a payment. Just over 60% of all mobile purchases are for digital goods such as an app or music.

Have you thought about creating an app for your customers? Take advantage of the new trends and offer customers the opportunity to buy your product or service through their mobile and tablet devices. Resist the temptation to go overboard on these devices. Keep the user interface clean and clutter free. Simple call to action buttons work well the opportunities are limitless.

In the near future, near field communication (NFC) on mobile phones will pick up, where you can simply wave your mobile phone in front of the counter, accept the payment, and check out with ease.

There is also a huge growth in the acceptance of the eWallet concept around the world where your credit cards are securely stored. When checking out from an online store, you simply choose the card from which to pay. You won’t need to enter the credit card number as your eWallet takes care of the payment for you.

¬ New types of payment options are also gaining momentum.¬To succeed in these changing times, you need to embrace the technology ¬now.

Both ecommerce and mobile commerce are great ways to extend your product and services to a larger market or provide a value-added service to existing customers.

To find out how your business can take advantage of ecommerce and mobile commerce, book an obligation free 1 hour consultation. Call 1300785230 or send an email to


landing page optimisation

Convert more through better landing pages

The goal of any online marketing or advertising is conversion. Small businesses spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on online advertisements to promote their products and services. Many of those adverts direct potential customers to the main website or a generic web page. The result is, poor lead conversion. Valuable leads are lost because of poor quality landing pages.

Here are some tips on how to improve your conversion rates using better quality landing pages.

Technically, a landing page is any web page that a visitor lands on after clicking through your search engine result or advertisement. Optimising those landing pages to ensure that a visitor converts into a lead is called landing page optimisation.

A good landing page is generally a dedicated web page focused on promoting a certain offer or campaign, with some kind of ‘call to action’ buttons and minimum escape links.

The idea is to let people know about your product or service and then encourage them to make a purchase or submit an enquiry. Landing pages are generally two types — click through pages and lead generation ¬pages.

Lead generation landing pages

Lead generation pages are the most common type of landing pages designed to generate leads. They are ideal for lead generation for near future or future sales. They will help you get visitors to the top tier of the sales funnel. You could use these for subscriber registrations, free trial/ service/sample/download, product launch etc.

In essence, good landing pages present a pitch to visitors in order to persuade them to make an enquiry or a purchase. Ensure there is measurable ‘call to actions’ on each landing page and use Google analytics or a similar tool to track performance.

If you are looking to optimise your web pages to better your conversion rate, opt for our free 1 hour consultation to get started.

Click through landing pages

Click throughs are landing pages that are placed just before the key conversion action page. You could use these to break the conversion cycle in two stages. They are ideal for ‘warming up’ the visitors to encourage them to proceed to the next or final stage of the sales life cycle. You could also use them for high-ticket products or services where you don’t want to intimidate your visitors at first with a ‘buy now’ button. This way you will have a better chance of conversion, after having generated enough interest. These pages will help you get visitors to the bottom tier of the sales funnel.


user experience design

User experience is the key to success

Steve Jobs once said: design is not just what it looks like or feels like, it is how it works. Every user is different and so is every website or app. In many cases, the engagement and interactivity boils down to one thing; how user-friendly it looks and feels to your users. User experience (abbreviated as UX) is exactly that; how users feel while using with your digital product. It is why Apple became Apple.

Design and interface play an important role. It’s not just usability— it’s about taking it to the next level. It is about understanding who the users are, what are they looking for, how are they behaving and being able to design your website or app to respond accordingly. UX is more about intuition and emotional connection with the user.

Here is a three step process you can follow to improve user experience:

1. Identify

Two things you need to identify are— who the user is and what device they are on. What you’re your user group demographics? What are their perceptions? Take time to clearly identify the traits of your users.

2. Understand

Understand what are they looking for, their expectations, what they are used to. They will have different expectations on mobile devices versus personal computers. A 20 year-old user is likely to behave differently to a 40 year-old user. Take the time to understand their behaviour and what drives them.

3. Empower

Users feel comfortable when they feel they are in control. Empower them with functionalities. Keep the user interface simple and user- friendly. Don’t restrict users for the sake of it. Let the back-end programming do its bit. Guide them by providing visual feedback for each interaction. Anticipate their actions and try to make their life easy.

There is a reason, even after so many years, Google’s front page has just one simple search option in the centre of the page. Perception is reality and experience is everything. Keep your interface consistent throughout the website or app.

If you are looking to improve the user experience of your website or application, opt for our free 1 hour consultation to get started.



web design canberra

Synapse launches new responsive website

Synapse Worldwide team is proud to announce the launch of our new responsive website! Our homepage greets visitors with bold colours, a clean uncluttered design, and moving banners to highlight the key factors. Over the next few months, we will be launching more new and exciting features. We believe in making life easy for our clients and in helping them succeed online by taking maximum advantage of the web technologies. We welcome you to explore our new website and provide your feedback. Happy browsing!


7 Steps to SEO

The process of tweaking a website to help it attain better organic ranking on the search engines is known as ‘Search Engine Optimisation’ and is commonly referred to as ‘SEO’. Here is a quick 7 point checklist to help you with basic SEO:
1. Formulate a digital strategy for your business. Analyse and choose your keywords accordingly. Be careful, what you think people are searching for and what people are actually searching for could be two different things.
Continue reading 7 Steps to SEO


Web design Canberra

When it comes to Web design Canberra; Synapse Worldwide is one of the leading developers. Be it a simple website, ecommerce, SEO or complex web application, our team gives a lot of love and efforts to offer the best possible solution to you. We build software and applications that could boost your operational productivity. Our strength lies in formulating awesome digital strategies and building complex business solutions with rich interactive functionalities. The end result is improved visitor experience, reduced management costs and increased staff efficiency.
Continue reading Web design Canberra


Responsive Web design or Mobile friendly websites

How many times have you searched for something online? How did you feel when you found what you were looking for, but couldn’t read the details as the site appeared too small to read from?
There are three key benefits of having a responsive website.
First and foremost, you save time and money in the mobile site
development and ongoing management of it.
According to the statistics, around 94% of smartphone users have searched for a product or service on their phones and nearly 60% access internet via their smartphones every day; more interestingly, around 85% users do so ‘on the go’. So, you can’t ignore this trend.

Continue reading Responsive Web design or Mobile friendly websites


Five steps to improve your website

Looking for ways to improve your website? It is not much different to improving customer experience in your office or shop. What would you do if a potential customer walks through your office or shopfront? Would you ignore them? Would you try to find out what they are looking for? Would you not direct them to the right department or shelf? Many potential and existing customers fly through your website every day. You can use following steps to improve your website and possibly boost your conversion rate. Continue reading Five steps to improve your website


Ecommerce $50 billion online – are you up for it?

There’s a lot of money to be made in the world of e-commerce. But don’t forget that you can also save your business a lot of money by using simple web technologies.

Australia traded about $50 billion online in 2010 and is expected to grow to $70 billion by 2015 according to a recent report. Things are moving fast in the online and mobile world.

Continue reading Ecommerce $50 billion online – are you up for it?