Tag Archives: ecommerce


mobile commerce

Mobile Commerce (mcommerce)

Australia spent $5.6 billion on mobile devices last year and this trend is continually growing. More than 75% of the population chose mobile devices because of the convenience factor and most people kept their mobile devices close to them throughout the day. The natural progression then is for people to buy goods and services via mobile devices, because it’s accessible, fast and convenient.

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Web design Canberra

When it comes to Web design Canberra; Synapse Worldwide is one of the leading developers. Be it a simple website, ecommerce, SEO or complex web application, our team gives a lot of love and efforts to offer the best possible solution to you. We build software and applications that could boost your operational productivity. Our strength lies in formulating awesome digital strategies and building complex business solutions with rich interactive functionalities. The end result is improved visitor experience, reduced management costs and increased staff efficiency.
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